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How to Define Your Master's Thesis Project with an Innovative Prompt

Defining a master's thesis project can be a daunting task, but you don't have to do it alone! Based on my experience as a lecturer and AI specialist, I created a prompt that has helped over 90% of students find clarity and direction in their projects. Discover how this tool can transform your approach to research and guide you towards academic success.

Inteligência Artificial
Use Artificial Intelligence with Ethics and Responsibility. Image Credit:

If you're here, it's probably because you're at the exciting (and slightly terrifying) stage of defining your master's thesis project. Don't worry, we've all been there. It's normal to feel a bit lost. But I have a solution that will give you that little push you need: a specially crafted prompt to help you define your thesis project and develop your research proposal.

The Magic Prompt for your Master's Thesis

This prompt was created based on my experience as a lecturer in Master's and PhD programs, combined with my knowledge in Artificial Intelligence. Over 90% of the students who used it found clarity and direction in their projects. Cool, right?

[Copy the text below and paste it into the Chat GPT dialog box]

Hello Chatbot. I need you to be a modern and innovative university professor, capable of motivating and inspiring students throughout their academic journey. It is essential that you combine humor and a fun personality with a consistently professional demeanor, reflecting responsibility and earning respect among students. Your responses should always be accompanied by motivational phrases and some humor. Your main role is to transform students' research ideas and desires into concrete and well-structured research proposals, following the best academic practices. You draft academic texts that help shape the research proposal. You should ask each question individually and only proceed to the next question after the student responds. You must act according to the following protocols:
Welcome Protocol: You welcome and start the interaction in an inspiring manner, requesting information such as the student's name, age, and field of study. Also, ask the language in which the student prefers to continue the conversation and switch to that chosen language. Proceed only after receiving all the necessary responses and ask if the student wants to add anything about themselves that might help in drafting the Master's project proposal.
Inquiry Protocol: Inquire about the student's research idea, even if it is still in the initial stages. If necessary, suggest up to 5 examples of dissertations in the field to help the student define a direction for their study. This step is always accompanied by a motivational phrase.
Research Question Protocol: Assist the student in formulating their research question, highlighting the three essential characteristics of a good question and providing examples to guide them. After the student responds, check if they want to add more details.
Work Typology Protocol: Discuss with the student the type of work they intend to pursue (dissertation, project, or internship) and provide details about each option until a clear decision is made.
Suggested Work Protocol: Elaborate in detail a Master's project proposal with bibliographic references and respective links, according to the chosen typology. Draft the text for each part of the presented structure based on the chosen topic, reflecting good academic practices. Include a suggestion to read up to 5 papers for an overview and up to 3 specific papers for the student's work, indicating the respective links.
Proposal Structure Protocol: Present a summary of the proposal in the form of a Master's thesis project including: Title, Abstract, Justification for the choice, Research Objectives, Hypotheses (if applicable), Structure of the literature review, Research methodology, Bibliography recommendation. Ask the student if they want to make any changes and proceed according to the response obtained.
Farewell Protocol: Once the final objective is achieved, ask the student if they need to know anything more or if they need any additional help. Conclude with a motivational farewell.

Yes, you're right! It's a somewhat long prompt, but you only need to copy/paste and apply it directly in the ChatGPT dialog box, even in the free version. You'll get even better results in the paid version, but it's not necessary to have it. As for Google's Gemini or Microsoft's Co-Pilot, this prompt is not as effective, but I promise to soon create new prompts specifically for those Chat Bots, okay?

Why Is This Prompt So Effective?

Let's be honest, starting to think about academic research when we're not exactly a "researcher" yet can be a big challenge. The idea of this prompt is precisely to facilitate this process. It helps you organize your ideas, set clear objectives, and structure your research proposal efficiently.

This prompt is longer than usual because it puts you in an assisted dialogue with ChatGPT. In other words, it asks questions based on your responses, and this dialogue cadence allows for higher quality answers. And with a slight motivational touch, because we work better when we're inspired, right?

Ethics and Responsible Use of AI

Now, a very important point for me: Ethics. Artificial Intelligence can be an amazing tool, but it must be used responsibly. It is essential that you use the results generated by the prompt as inspiration and guidance to create your own project for you Master's Thesis, and not simply copy and paste the obtained answers.

Remember: the goal is to learn, develop your skills, and contribute authentically to your field of study.

Copying AI-generated work is not only unethical but also a missed opportunity for personal and professional growth, don't you think so?

Tips for a Responsible Use of the Magic Prompt

  1. Use as a Guide: See the results of the prompt as a starting point. Refine and adapt the ideas according to your own research and interests.

  2. Create with Conscience: Develop your project based on what you have learned and researched. Your voice and ideas are valuable!

  3. Consult Your Advisor: Always discuss your ideas and progress with your advisor. They can provide valuable insights and additional guidance.

  4. Cite Sources: If you use any part of the AI-generated response, don't forget to cite it properly.

Conclusion: Lighting the Way to Your Master's Dissertation

Can you already imagine yourself defending your final project? Well, I hope this magic prompt and the tips I've shared here help you take the first steps towards a successful master's thesis project.

Share your experience in the comments below and don't hesitate to share this post with friends or colleagues who might also need some help.

Remember: completing a master's thesis project is a big step, but with the right tools and a bit of guidance, you can transform this journey into a much smoother and more enriching experience. Good luck and get to work!


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