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Communicating with Goldfish: Navigating the Age of Fleeting Focus

Updated: Nov 12, 2023

In the 80s, airing an advertisement during a news break could flood your store with customers the next morning. Fast forward to today, where the average consumer's attention span is shorter than that of a goldfish. In this era of relentless digital stimuli, effective communication is more crucial than ever before.

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Capturing Attention in the Age of Fleeting Focus. Image Credit:

Capturing Attention in the Age of Fleeting Focus

During the 90s, living room furniture was arranged to center around a television, becoming the family's focal point. Consumers were captivated by this magical box that revolutionized the world and the advertising that surrounded it.

The screen has evolved, morphing into the smartphone, and along with it, attention towards advertising has dwindled. Today, a mere 10% of consumers now trust traditional ads. Recommendations from friends and genuine experiences carry more weight. Attention spans have also shrunk; averaging a mere 8.25 seconds.

This implies that it's easier to engage a goldfish (with an attention span of 9 seconds) than a modern consumer. Platforms like TikTok, with their short videos, and Twitter, with its 280 characters, have gained dominance. Instagram's Stories and Reels, as well as YouTube's Shorts, cater to the contemporary consumer who values swift content aligned with the speed of thought.

Can you picture this battlefield? On one side, 65 million brands; on the other, 7 billion consumers, glancing for a mere 8 seconds. In this scenario, it's time to rethink marketing strategies. Pushing products no longer yields the same results. Instead, allow consumers to discover your brand, subtly guided by programmatic advertising.

In this economy, differentiation and relevance are key. Brands with unique propositions tailored for specific segments are the ones that stand out amidst the digital noise, capturing the scarce and valuable attention. Effective communication has become a dynamic art, continually evolving to engage the modern-day goldfish consumer.


The digital age has brought about a fundamental shift in consumer behavior and attention patterns. As attention spans continue to shrink, businesses must adapt their communication strategies to capture fleeting moments of engagement. Embracing platforms and tactics that resonate with the modern consumer's desire for concise and impactful content can mean the difference between being overlooked and becoming a memorable presence in the noisy digital landscape.


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